Cancellation of a transaction in accordance with the Consumer Protection (Cancellation), Htsa"a -2010 and Consumer Protection Act, 1981
After receiving your return item and inspecting the condition without any damaged, we will process your refund. Please allow between 3-10 days from the receipt of your item to process your refund.
Usually, it takes 3-10 business days, varying with different banks, for buyers to receive the refund after the refund is successfully processed by maliksprice
We provide one year warranty for all category product. For item broken caused by quality issue, we will cover all cost.
But for the broken item which is caused by human error, customer will cover all cost during RMA process.
If you find any item broken, please contact us.
The refund will be after receiving the product to us.
If item is broken caused by human error, we will not refund.
The return item must be with original packing, and will contain the below information in the package:
1. Order ID, SKU, Email and Your shipping address
2. The reason for returning the item/items.
3. Your requirement for returning orders(Repair /Exchange/Refund).
Returns the only responsibility of the customer, we do not return money to the shipping price.
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